- Wilson County School District
- Performance
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2023-2024 Wilson County Schools Accountability Highlights
WILSON, NC – Wilson County Schools continued to experience huge gains in proficiency and growth for the 2023-2024 school year! The district is now ranked 37th out of 115 districts in the state in overall proficiency compared to 41st in the state last school year. This is the highest state ranking the district has ever achieved. Wilson County Schools is now in the TOP THIRD of school districts and just 3.8 percentage points away from being one of the TOP 20 performing districts in the state.
“I want to recognize our students, teachers, support staff and administrators for all of their hard work. I am so proud of them and the sustained progress of our school district. This pattern of high performance is not easy to achieve,” said Wilson County Schools Superintendent Dr. Lane Mills. “It’s another really strong year. We held our own and moved up. I think our folks have done an amazing job again, focusing on day-to-day instruction, the needs of students, and doing the work every day. They should be extremely proud and our community should be extremely proud.”Students scored at 56.1% proficient overall, an increase of 0.9% compared to the previous year. The top district in the state was at 69.6%. For the second year in a row, Wilson County Schools performed above the state average for overall proficiency, which was 54.2%.
The proficiency gains, which refers to the percent of students achieving at grade level on the End-of-Grade (EOG) and End-of-Course (EOC) tests, by subject were:
Reading EOG: down by 0.1% to 53.3% proficient
Math EOG: up by 1.6% to 55.5% proficient
Science EOG: down by 0.3% to 70.2% proficient
English 2 EOC: up by 2% to 61.8% proficient
Math 1 EOC: up by 1.3% to 51.5% proficient
Math 3 EOC: up by 10.1% to 69.6% proficient
Biology EOC: down by 0.9% to 47.9% proficient
The district’s growth scores indicate the tremendous work of students and staff. Growth is a measure based on achieving one year’s worth of learning for students. Nineteen out of 24 schools met or exceeded growth this year, which included all of our high schools. Fourteen of our schools ranked in the top half across the state for growth. The schools that exceeded growth were: Lee Woodard Elementary, Rock Ridge Elementary, Wilson Academy of Applied Technology and Wilson Early College Academy. The schools that met growth were Beddingfield High, Forest Hills Middle, Frederick Douglass Elementary, Gardners Elementary, Hunt High, Lucama Elementary, New Hope Elementary, Stantonsburg Elementary, Vick Elementary and Vinson-Bynum Elementary.The cohort graduation rate (students who graduate in four years) remained in the 80% range for the second year in a row. The rate was 80.4% compared to 83% the previous year.
Regarding School Performance Grades, Wilson Early College Academy maintained its grade of an A, which it has earned since the inception of the School Performance grading system in 2013-2014. Rock Ridge Elementary and Wilson Academy of Applied Technology also earned an A. Wilson County Schools also had several schools that earned a School Performance Grade of B. Those schools were: Gardners Elementary, Lucama Elementary and New Hope Elementary. Three schools narrowly missed the cutoff score for a B. The full list of Performance Grades, which are letter grades assigned to schools by the state based on proficiency and growth, are below:
Schools that earned an A: Rock Ridge Elementary, Wilson Academy of Applied Technology and Wilson Early College Academy
Schools that earned a B: Gardners Elementary, Lucama Elementary and New Hope Elementary.
Schools that earned a C: Frederick Douglass Elementary, Jones Elementary, Lee Woodard Elementary, Stantonsburg Elementary, Vinson-Bynum Elementary, Wells Elementary, Elm City Middle, Forest Hills Middle, Speight Middle, Springfield Middle, Beddingfield High, Fike High and Hunt High
Schools that earned a D: Barnes Elementary, Hearne Elementary and Vick Elementary
Schools that earned an F: Darden Middle